Explorations in the Stone-Campbell Traditions: Essays in Honor of Herman A. Norton
This important collection of essays honors Herman A. Norton (1921-2002), Dean of the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt University from 1951 until his retirement in 1986. Topics from all three branches of the Stone-Campbell Movement are treated including early leaders like Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell, as well as later studies after the Civil War and into the early 1940s.
With generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and as part of the National Endowment of the Humanities Open Book program, the Abilene Christian University's ACU Press and Brown Library partnered with the Disciples of Christ Historical Society (DCHS) to digitize 25 important backlist titles relevant to Stone-Campbell tradition, theology, and church history. This open access version is hosted by Atla Open Press in furtherance of the purposes of the grant.
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