Lectures in Honor of the Alexander Campbell Bicentennial
In 1984, the Disciples of Christ Historical Society set forth a program to celebrate the 200th birthday of Alexander Campbell. This book launched a renewed interest in Stone-Campbell history and inspired research that shaped numerous historical projects. Contributors include T. Dwight Bozeman, Robert O. Fife, Richard L. Harrison, Samuel S. Hill, Thomas Olbricht, William J. Richardson, D. Newell Williams, Eva Jean Wrather, and Barbara Brown Zickmund.
With generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and as part of the National Endowment of the Humanities Open Book program, the Abilene Christian University's ACU Press and Brown Library partnered with the Disciples of Christ Historical Society (DCHS) to digitize 25 important backlist titles relevant to Stone-Campbell tradition, theology, and church history. This open access version is hosted by Atla Open Press in furtherance of the purposes of the grant.


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